American Idol
Vir almal wat gewonder het hoekom Adam nie American Idol gewen het nie, hier is dit. Dis omdat hy n poser is!

Monday, May 25, 2009 ~ 2 Comments
Vir almal wat gewonder het hoekom Adam nie American Idol gewen het nie, hier is dit. Dis omdat hy n poser is!
Japie is in die hospitaal opgeneem en op n waglys geplaas vir n operasie. Gedurende die oggend probeer hy verskeie kere om die toilet te besoek maar dit bly beset. n Hospitaalsuster sien sy dilemma en beveel aan dat hy die dames se toilet kan gebruik as hy belowe hy sal nie enige knoppies teen die muur druk nie.
Nadat hy sy sit op die toilet gekry het sien hy 4 knoppies teen die muur langs hom. Hulle is gemerk WW, WL, PS en OTV.
Nadat hy die knoppies vir n rukkie geignoreer het besluit hy om dit tog maar te toets. Wie sal weet hy het dit gedruk. Hy druk toe die WW knoppie en skielik spuit Warm Water sy hol skoon. Bliksem! dink hy, die damestoilette is darem by meer fancy as die manstoilette.
Hy druk toe dadelik die WL knoppie en Warm Lug uit die toilet blaas sy holla droog..
In ekstase druk hy die PS knoppie en n Poeier Spray met n lekker reuk bedek sy boude.
Opgewonde vir wat wag druk hy die OTV knoppie. Die volgende oomblik raak hy flou en ure later word hy in n hospitaalbed wakker met die suster wat hom aanstaar.
"Wat het gebeur?" vra hy, "Die laaste wat ek kan onthou was toe ek die OTV knoppie gedruk het"
"Ja" se sy, "die OTV is n Outomatiese Tampon Verwyderaar, jou tottie is onder jou kussing"
Friday, May 22, 2009 ~ 1 Comment
Thanks aan HJ en NICTRU ondernemings vir die invite, dit was awesome!
Thursday, May 21, 2009 ~ 2 Comments
Gaan doen bietjie iets goeds!
WANTED: 100 enthusiasts to complete the Discovery, 702 5km Walk The Talk on Sunday 26 July 2009 in aid of MS.The race will start on Judith Road at the intersection of Hill Avenue, Emmarentia and will end at Marks Park.The starting time for the race is 11h00.Bring your friends, crutches, family, wheelchairs, kids, dogs and canoes ...Come on, let's challenge the Dabulamanzi Canoe Club, they will be completing the 5km's with a canoe held shoulder high for MS!! If they can do it, so can you!!The 100th entry will win the book "Multiple Sclerosis for Dummies"How do I enter? Download your entry form:
Complete and fax to (011) 477-3544.Please ensure your entry reaches the MSSA by 8 June '09.How much does it cost?
R100 includes R70 entry fee, R30 for MSSA, Goodie Bag and T-shirt.
Please deposit your money into the following Bank Account:
Multiple Sclerosis Inland Branch
Standard Bank
Reference: Your Name and WALK
Account Number: 401 024 342
Branch Code 006-615
Please support us, we know you can walk, BUT, can you walk the talk?
There is no cure for this progressive, debilitating disease of the central nerve system affecting people in the prime of their lives. The brain and spinal chord are targeted by the body’s immune system resulting in damage to the protective layer around the nerves, slowing messages from the brain to the body. Read more about MS on or call their national Helpline on 0860 456 772 for more information.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009 ~ 14 Comments
As jy oor die dansvloer loop om n dop te gaan bestel en jy wen die singles dans kompetisie!
As jy hou van Star Wars en Tech en what not, gaan check n bietjie hierdie blog uit.
Ek meen, n ou wat praat van homself as die missing Jedi kan nie verkeerd wees nie!
Thursday, May 14, 2009 ~ 0 Comments
Kyk, ek is glad nie n fan van reality tv nie. Ek het gister aand vir die 2de keer American Idol gekyk, en damn was dit cool! Ek kyk dit ook maar net omdat my ma my sms en sê ek moet dit kyk. Ek weet as ek dit nie kyk nie gaan sy my in elk geval vra daaroor vra en ek is nie lus om te jok nie. Die hele show is nie so cool nie, net n dude met die naam Adam se performance. Daai bra kan sing, en volgens my ma is hy mooier as n mens (Hy is dan seker maar so mooi soos n Ferrari, ek weet nie)! Ek dink dit is die beste wat n Idols show ooit gaan gaan he. My geld is op hom om met die eerste prys weg te stap! Nie eers Simon Cowell kan iets sleg oor hom sê nie! Ek dink daar is vanaand weer n show, so gaan check dit uit op channel 110.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009 ~ 0 Comments
Ek het dit goed gedink om nog n paar van my gunsteling quotes uit Entourage hier te post. Ari Gold is verseker die coollest motherfucker ever!
Ari: "Unless Carmen Electra calls for an emergency titty-fuck, don't answer the phone!"
Johnny Drama: “If you play gay or retarded you get an Oscar. I'd take it in the ass for an Oscar.”
Ari: "It's anal sex night at the Gold’s house I'm gonna go home and punish my wife"
Johnny Drama: “I dont like classically beautiful women. Gimme a nice nose break or a lazy eye.”
Ari: "Its like high school E; you can't fuck the prom queen till she finds out her best friend jerked you off underneath the bleachers"
Lloyd: Are you hiding something from me Ari?
Ari: Only my asshole and penis Lloyd
Ari: I will be starting my own agency. Two very important goals will apply: to make everyone who is in at the ground floor rich, and to burn this motherfucking place to the ground! Lloyd, are you with me? [Lloyd remains silent. Ari approaches him] Lloyd, what are you doing? You and me we have a special bond. Come on, let's go.
Lloyd: Ari, swear to me that you will never again say anything offensive to me about my race or sexual orientation.
Ari: I can’t swear to that, but I promise I will always apologize after.
Ari: “What if I told you that I have a 22 inch long cock, is that something you would be interested in?”
Ari: Baby, those tears mean our little girl is gonna stay our little girl for at least another day.
Ari's Wife: Awww, Ari.
Ari: Now, how about a quick blowjob before my Vince dinner?
Ari: You all have one goal today: to get Vincent Chase's brother, Johnny Chase, a job. Any job. I don't care if its a porn shoot in which he is being gang-raped by a gaggle of silver backed apes. If there are cameras rolling, everybody wins. Ten grand to whoever can get this to me today.
Lloyd: Can I vie for the ten grand prize too, Ari?
Ari: Sure, but you'll get paid in yen.
Ari : "When you're done fuckin' your enemies, fuck'em so more"
Ari: Vince, you’re gonna come back, stronger than ever, like Lance Armstrong, only with two balls!
Ari: Tell Drama he's on the top of my list of things to do today, along with inserting needles in my cock!
Drama: Still bitching about being bitch slapped by a bitch
Ari: A shattered world is what you get when you mess with Ari Gold!
Lloyd: Well, if you ask me, Ari Gold should rise up, and be the bigger man.
Ari: Well, unlike your world, where the bigger man pounds the smaller man from behind, the bigger man in my world is the last man standing. And that man will be me, all right?
Tuesday, May 12, 2009 ~ 2 Comments
Daar het iets seriously fout gegaan in my lewe! Ek het gister aand The Jane Austen Book Club op Mnet gekyk, en ek het gedink dit is n goeie fliek. Op seker stadiums het ek myself gekry hardop lag! WTF? Waar in my lewe het iets skeef geloop? Miskien is dit as gevolg van die company wat jy keep. Half 12 gister aand kry ek n sms van een van my vriende, ‘n man, wat die volgende sê:
“EK pis alweer oor Grey’s!”
Pis in hierdie geval beteken huil, en Grey’s beteken Grey's Anatomy. Ek neem aan dit is episode 21 wat nog nie locally uitgesaai is nie, maar vrylik beskikbaar is op die interwebs.
Dit het my laat besef dat ek dalk te min ‘MAN MAN’ mans vriende het. Regte mans, wat vuur kan maak deur 2 stokke teen mekaar te vryf en visse met hul bare hands kan vang en vrot is van die bors hare! Nie die David Becham tipe wat op ‘n Saterdag sal gaan shop vir ‘n cake lifter nie, wat de hel dit ook al is. Of die tipe wat sy vriend sms en vertel hoe lekker hy huil nie, of die tipe wat se hare deur ‘n moffie gesny word nie en mal gaan as daar ‘n sale by POLO is nie. Ek dink daai shit is besig om op my af te vryf, want ek meen, n straight ou soos ek kan om die dood nie dink dat The Jane Austen Book Club ‘n goeie fliek is nie!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009 ~ 0 Comments
They said a Blackman will be President of America only when pigs can fly.
Barack Obama has been in power 100 days and bang! Pigs flu.